
Showing posts from February, 2021

The end of a long week

Did I say that it might be a good idea to live somewhere with horses at the end of the garden? Did I? Did I think it was a good idea? A week is a long time to ride a learning curve steeper than Everest. I am thinking of investing in a CCTV, mainly because the numbers of examples of my own stupidity are too many to recount and they are not quite as funny in words. This week I have mostly been: a) Trying to dig my car and trailer out of mud that I voluntarily drove into, ignoring the bright red warning signs flashing in my mind that said "don't do it". I was in socks and sandals! Who actually wears that, let alone drives into a mud bath with them on? b) Wrapping up a haystack to keep it dry only to realise I've wrapped it so well I've left no means to get back into it. c) Deciding that Dotty and Snowman had been here long enough to know whose stables is whose, so opening the gate for them to put themselves to bed only to spend the next half hour chasing Snowman who